The Ultimate Glow Up for you and your business!
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Interested in joining On the Six? Scroll down to hear success stories from previous masterminders!

Susan will FLOOD you with the visions and real life examples of how you can be whatever it is you’re dreaming of. The investment will pay for itself as you are inspired to stretch your comfort zone and turn into a money generating machine.

Kelli Thompson

Susan has given me a safe space to talk about my accomplishments and celebrate my wins. I LOVE that On the 6 is is a space to inspire and uplift one another while asking SMART women about ideas. The team is on it and I LOVE that Susan is actually part of the group. The squad is packed with so much accountability.

Ana Verzone

The accountability is a 360 degree turnaround! Every week, Susan and her team give you something that will kick you out of your comfort zone and into a space that challenges you.

Debby Solivani

I generated $89,202 in 5 months! This On the 6 voodoo works. Join was the best decision I have ever made. I’m grateful for the incredible fortune to be part of this group and among all of (the) incredible women. My heart is bursting!

Jessica Miller

My first Zoom call in the On the 6 program, I had so much imposter syndrome that I couldn’t even turn my camera on! I hadn’t generated any revenue (yet). I had no real ideal client or program offerings and so I felt like I had no business being in this program! But I kept feeling a tug in my spirt that said I should be here. I'm so glad I listened to my inner badass and not my inner mean girl this time!

Zenica Chatman

It's rare for me to routinely feel comfortable enough to show up, raw and vulnerable and okay and even happy to "try and try." | I cannot express the joy and gratitude I have when I think of my Mastermind experience, knowing this is truly what memories are made of as we RISE together.

Theresa Pidcock
The On the 6 Experience
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– Jacki Murray –

– Gina Catalano –

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– JoNeil Conley –

– Kaci Allen –

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– Chelsea Sanders –

– Errin Weisman –

To be able to go in and fix the things I was psyching myself out on has been huge for me.
– Zoha Abbas
Whatever you crave, you can absolutely create.